Are you enjoying the present?
I read a quote recently from the The Dalai Lama. It read as follows:
“Man surprised me most about humanity. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health. And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”
I’ve been thinking about this quote a lot, as I think it’s quite profound. It summed up my life about 15 years ago.
I had sacrificed my health
Fifteen years ago I backed my car out of my driveway in Florida and drove to Maine. I still vividly remember my young daughters crying and waving to their daddy. I had taken a great job, but had to move in order for it to work. Our house was on the market, my daughters were still in school, and the plan was for my wife and daughters to move in 7 months. My health was not great at the time, as I was stressed. I didn’t eat well and I had stopped exercising. And I was about to run two businesses and start 70 hour workweeks.
I had sacrificed my money
As you can imagine, the 70 hour weeks didn’t help my health. Especially with my bad eating habits and lack of consistent exercise. My family eventually joined me in Maine and we settled down into a new community.
But the long hours and lack of focus on my health took it’s toll. I was on prescriptions to help. I had a few doctors visits and even an emergency room visit, which ended up being stress related. All of this was not cheap.
New job, new outlook – enjoying the present
Fast forward five years and I started a new “Road Warrior” sales job. I was the heaviest I’d ever been in my life. I had very little energy. I know I was on a destructive path.
I’ve written quite a few blog posts about things I did to change my path to a healthier way of living. I started to live a more balanced life, which I define as being more present in three areas; personal, health, and professional. I was able to take steps to help improve these three areas of my life. If you’ve read my blog posts, you know some of the steps I’ve taken to change my life.
Enjoying the present
When I read the quote referenced above from the Dalai Lama, I realized that I have been incorporating a major positive into my life. I’m sure the Dalai Lama would approve. I’ve been enjoying the present.
Below are ways I personally “enjoy the present” despite my busy schedule; and you can too!
Five tips to enjoy the present for the busy professional

- Stop and smell the roses. Literally. Enjoy nature. Take pictures of nature. Stop at scenic overlooks and breathe. Smell the smells, feel the wind, hear the birds. If you work in a city, then go to a nearby park.
- Get into a state of Meditation. There are many free resources to learn to meditate, although I have found this is not necessary. One of my favorites is Deepak Chopra and Oprah Winfrey’s 21 Day Meditation Experience. Meditation is one of the best ways to experience the present and relax. However, I have found that I don’t need to practice meditation in order to meditate. Often I find myself in a meditative state just by walking in nature. Or swimming.
- Exercise. Take 20 minutes of your day and exercise. Take a walk. Climb some stairs. Walk around the airport before your flight. There are plenty of health reasons to do this, but it will also help you enjoy the present.
- Limit your distractions when you eat. Take time to appreciate your food. Be grateful for it. Actually chew and taste it. And don’t eat while distracted! (like when watching television)
- Write down or say aloud things that you are grateful for each day. I like to do this when I wake up or before I go to bed. It puts me in a great frame of mind and helps me be present.
The reason I started this blog was because I have personally created what I believe is a more balanced, more present life in the last few years, despite many changes in my professional and personal life.
What are some ways that help you enjoy the present moment?
Excellent insightful advice Mike. And so apropos with people and their lives today. Thanks for posting this!
Thanks for the nice note Alan! I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts!