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How To Create Abundance

How To Create Abundance

How To Create Abundance

We All Have Music In Us

I was listening to XM radio the other day. A new song came on and I really liked it. I’m sure it will be a big hit. That got me thinking… how is it that there are SO MANY old songs yet every day musicians come up with new songs? It seems like every combination of every musical pattern and melody should be used up. Yet time after time musicians prove me wrong and come up with new songs. And many of them I like and play over and over again. I’m always amazed at how they create abundance.

I believe we all have music inside of us waiting to be heard. The ‘music’ comes in many forms, as we are all different. We all have unique talents and are full of abundance. Yet for most the abundance remains unrealized.

Lack of Abundance Mentality

I often hear people talking about the lack of abundance in their lives. They don’t word it that way though. What I hear people say are things like:

  • “I can’t afford that”
  • “I don’t have any new ideas”
  • “I can’t hit my sales quota”
  • “Customers just aren’t buying right now”
  • “I don’t have any time to (workout, set aside some “me” time, go out with friends, spend time with children, parents, etc.)
  • “Must be nice”

The fact is that many people are living their lives with lack of abundance mentality. Yet I’m convinced that every human being has unwritten songs just waiting to be written.

How To Create Abundance

I believe there are some basic steps anyone can take to create abundance in their lives. If you’re struggling in areas of your life, here are five steps you can take to create abundance in your life.

Unleash the Music Inside You
Unleash the Music Inside You
  1. Decide – The first step is to make the decision that you want to create abundance in an area of your life. Maybe it’s increasing your paycheck, creating a successful business, writing a book, running a race. Decide what you want to do and make the commitment you’re going to do it.
  2. Be Present – Second, take some time to be present. Enjoy and appreciate where you are today. You can start by simply writing down a list of things you’re grateful for every day. Appreciating where you are and the things you are grateful for will open the way to new abundance.
  3. Vision – You need to paint a vivid picture of where you see yourself when you’ve created abundance in your life. If your abundance goal is money, then picture the money in your bank account. How do you dress now that you have the money you want? What activity are you doing? What type of car are you driving? How do other people view you now that you have financial abundance? Write this all down and look at it every day.
  4. Take Action – Next, you need to take action. This is a very important step. Take positive action that moves you towards your goals. Positive action does two things. First, it tells the universe that you’re serious. The universe will reward you for this. Second, positive activity combined with a strong vision will move you towards your goal.
  5. Review – Lastly, it’s important to take time for weekly, monthly and annual reviews. Review your activities achieved and how you feel you are doing towards reaching your goals. Maybe you will want to involve others to help you with an analysis of your ongoing activity. Then, once you’ve reviewed you can make changes that are appropriate to help propel you towards abundance.

I’m confident if you practice the above techniques that you will create abundance in your life.

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Skype: Michael.hurd4



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