Quit Worrying Before It Kills You
If I had to pick one thing people could change to make the biggest impact in their lives, it would be to stop worrying. I believe that worrying is the biggest killer of dreams and the biggest factor why people don’t become what they are destined to be in life. Worrying about things is simply a big waste of time. Nothing positive results from worrying. And, let’s face it. Most things we worry about we have absolutely no control over. We worry about our jobs, what other people think of us, the weather, the economy, the way we look, our family members, world-ending meteor impacts, the list goes on and on. Fact is, it is impossible to live a balanced life if you are worrying about things.

I certainly have had my share of things I’ve worried about. And mostly the worrying was a waste of time. I find that worrying takes an enormous amount of energy and detracts me from focusing on things I can control. I have spent years taking courses and reading from some of the top personal development trainers out there today. Following are some great ideas to use if you find yourself starting to worry about things in your life.
6 Strategies To Quit Worrying
- Meditate – Meditation is beneficial for many reasons. When we meditate we focus on the present. After some practice it becomes a great way to calm your mind and be present. It’s impossible to worry if you’re focused on the here and now.
- Take Action – One of the best cures for worrying is taking action. Out of shape? Start exercising today. Haven’t hit your quota? Make more sales calls. Action solves a lot of problems and refocuses your energy in a positive direction.
- Exercise – Exercising daily is important for your physical and mental health. Getting into a regular exercise routine will help take your mind off things that are bothering you. And exercise is good for your brain and a natural mood booster.
- Eat Well – Your diet has a tremendous affect on your mood. Find a healthy eating plan that works for you and stick to it. If you are traveling or out with other people, it’s ok to stray for a meal or two. Just get back on track the next day.
- Surround Yourself With Positive People – It’s been proven that the people we surround ourselves with have a strong affect on our personal habits and outcomes. If you are worrying a lot, make an effort to surround yourself with people who are bringing you up, not down.
- Volunteer – Helping others has a magical way of making us forget about our own problems. Volunteer your time and energy to help others and your worrying will go away.
Worrying is a waste of time and not conducive to leading an extraordinary life. We are all put on this earth with special talents and skills and have something great to offer humanity. If you find yourself worrying, try one or more of the above techniques to refocus your attention and activities in a positive direction.
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Skype: Michael.hurd4
Email: mike@hurdmarketing.com